
Dandelion Damaka

Spirit of Dandelion

In the Marathi language, the word damaka can be translated as both energy and daringness of mind, or ability of body. When I first tried dandelion leaves many years ago, this was my reaction; I literally got a damak, or a rush of energy. The taste was intensely bitter and lingered for quite a while. I was curious as to why it was considered so important in Western and Indian herbal medicine. It turns out dandelion is one “hot mama” where cleansing is concerned. It’s amazing how the leaves, flowers and roots are all revered for both their detoxification and nourishing properties, as well as an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

2 medium-sized dandelion leaves (use 4 as you warm up to its taste) 1⁄2 cup parsley
3 chopped apples
3 stalks of celery
1⁄4 inch ginger slice Serves 2
Serves 2

Run the ginger first through the juicer. Chop the greens and mix with the fruit. Run through the juicer together. Strain if you like the juice clear.